Life Reimagined – Letter to Mum

Discover A Life Transformed

My Dearest Mum,

I hope this letter finds you wrapped in the warmth of love and good health. It’s been some time since we’ve had the chance to sit and chat about life, and I’ve been longing to share our incredible journey with you. I sit here in our bamboo villa, surrounded by the lush greenery of Bali, and my heart is overflowing with gratitude for the path we’ve chosen.

Remember when we made the decision to leave the bustling city behind and embark on this new adventure? I must admit, the idea of moving our entire lives across the world was daunting at first, but Mum, it was absolutely the right decision. Bali has embraced us with open arms, and every day feels like a gift.

Our children, Emma and Alex, have settled into their new lives beautifully. They walk to the local international school, and it warms my heart to see them forming friendships with kids from around the world. They’re learning not just from books but from experiences, immersing themselves in the vibrant culture of this island.

Something truly remarkable is happening here with our kids. They’ve become passionate about micro-enterprises. Can you believe it? They’re exploring ways to make money in ways that resonate with their hearts. From selling handmade crafts to organizing small eco-friendly initiatives, their creativity knows no bounds. They are learning the value of work, of creativity, of connecting with the community around them.

As for me, Mum, I couldn’t be happier with the tech hub I’ve established. I’m working with Indonesian youth, teaching them about the power of technology and how it can connect their parents’ farm businesses to markets beyond our imagination. It’s invigorating to see their eyes light up with each new idea, each connection made. I’m not just building a business; I’m helping to build dreams.

John, my loving husband, has found his calling too. He built a factory in the nearby industrial park and is working closely with local farmers, showing them how to dehydrate their vegetables. No more wasted harvests, Mum. His work is changing lives and livelihoods, making a real difference in the community.

And the food, Mum, oh, the food! We eat locally sourced, fresh produce every day. The flavors are unlike anything we’ve ever experienced. We’ve learned to savor every bite, appreciating the connection between our plates and the earth that provides.

Our community here is a tapestry of people from all corners of the globe. We’ve made friends with families who, like us, have taken a leap of faith and reinvented their lives. We’re learning Indonesian now, slowly but surely, as we believe in the importance of truly integrating into this beautiful culture.

Thursday evenings have become special for us. We play padel tennis after work, a sport we never thought we’d enjoy, and it’s become a wonderful way to bond with our new friends. On weekends, we explore the countless waterfalls and hot springs that dot this region, each adventure a reminder of the natural beauty that surrounds us.

Mum, I want you to know that despite the distance, you are always in our hearts. Our decision to take this risk, to relocate our family to Bali, has been life-altering in the most beautiful way. We’ve found not just a home but a deep sense of purpose and fulfillment. The gamble we took was worth every uncertainty.

Thank you for always encouraging me to follow my dreams and for being a pillar of support. You’ve given us the courage to create a life that we cherish every single day. We miss you dearly and hope that one day, you’ll visit us here in this paradise we now call home.

With all my love,

Your Daughter